Florists Choice White Based Cushion
Florists Choice White Based Cushion
Florists Choice Based Cushion
Unsure of what to choose? Our Florist will use fresh seasonal blooms and mixed foliage to create a beautiful design on a massed cushion base for your chosen size.
Available in 4 sizes; 14"square, 17" square, 20" square and 25" square.
Choose from ribbon edging to match the colour of flowers, foliage or call us with your requirements.
All funeral flowers are designed, created and hand delivered in Grays and surrounding areas, by Thurrock Funeral Flowers.
Unsure of what to choose? Our Florist will use fresh seasonal blooms and mixed foliage to create a beautiful design on a massed cushion base for your chosen size.
Available in 4 sizes; 14"square, 17" square, 20" square and 25" square.
Choose from ribbon edging to match the colour of flowers, foliage or call us with your requirements.
All funeral flowers are designed, created and hand delivered in Grays and surrounding areas, by Thurrock Funeral Flowers.
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